Daima Initiatives for Peace and Development (DIPAD)

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DIPAD works to strengthen the ability of local communities to achieve social justice. They run a Cultural Peace Resource Center.
Última actualización: Julio 2015

Daima Initiatives for Peace and Development (DIPAD) was founded in 2011. Its mission is to strengthen the ability of local communities to achieve social justice through training, research and leadership development. Its overall vision is to create an "informed and resilient society." In order to do this, DIPAD focuses on four key areas:

  • Capacity building programmes: This programme aims to help individuals and organizations who hope to participate in governance, advocacy and peacebuilding initiatives. It focuses on raising citizen awareness of and participation in the devolved system of governance under the county structure, coaching, designing and developing strategic plans for communities to become involved in local government.
  • Women and youth leadership development: This project aims to develop the leadership skills of women and at risk youth and children to access education and life skills,enabling them to become agents of change in their communities.
  • Cultural peace resource center: This initiative implements the "Justice that heals" approaches by creating a learning community of professionals and practitioners in Kenya to mainstream trauma informed justice processes in reconciling communities.The program supports and promotes different cultural and community peacebuilding and restorative justice approaches in among Kenyan communities.
  • Action research and documentation: Through collaborative and action research, the program aims at developing and testing new approaches to community driven processes and practices that demonstrate sustainable impact on the environment, social capital and resilience.

Major achievements

The National Peace Education Campaign was launched by President Kibaki in August 2012 in collaboration with UNICEF Kenya,the Ministry for Education and other key partners in Kenya.

The program was a focal point to mobilise children and youth in a national campaign against the use of violence around elections.The initiative targeted all 47 counties in Kenya though training of education officials ,school teachers and management committees on peace education and how to secure schools as peace zones.

Lo último de Kenia

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