Entente des Eglises et Missions Evangeliques: Département Ethique, Paix et Justice

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EEMET's works to promote peace and harmony in Chad.
Última actualización: Agosto 2015


The Entente des Eglises et Missions Evangeliques: Département Ethique, Paix et Justice (Partnership of Evangelical Churches and Missions: Ethics, Peace and Justice Department, EEMET) is a Christian organisation in Chad. It supports the role of Christians as mediators and moral leaders in conflict resolution.

EEMET's Peace, Ethics and Justice department works to promote peace and harmony in Chad. It has three main programmes, working on peace education and inter-religious dialogue, peace advocacy, and health and emergency service provision.

Since 2008, EEMET has been engaged in the systematic training in peace education and awareness raising of young people, women and local religious leaders.

It helps train religious and civil society leaders in conflict transformation, in particular through annual inter-religious dialogue sessions, which led in 2011 to the establishment of a national day of prayer for peace in Chad.

EEMET is currently working on a project to strengthen the ability of religious and Christian leaders to resolve disputes peacefully.

Planned work for 2015 includes training in Abéché and elsewhere:

  • 6-10 April: training religious leaders from four regions (Guera, Batha, Ouaddai and Wadi fira) on the role of women in peace education in Mongo.
  • 14-19 April: providing the same training in Pala.
  • 22-28 June: training young people on peace education in Kelo.
  • 7-12 December: training young religious leaders in Salamat and Mongo.


Lo último de Chad

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