Femmes Unies pour la Promotion des Droits et le Developpement Integral (FUPRODI)

FUPRODI was created in Goma on 5 July 2010. Its original field of activity was the former Kivus but over time it has expanded its field of intervention to Ituri where it has field offices. FUPRODI's main activities focus on the promotion of women's rights, peace building, women's empowerment and gender.

Última actualización: Marzo 2022

FUPRODI is an organisation for the protection and promotion of women's rights and integral development; of Congolese law, apolitical and non-confessional established in SOUTH KIVU, ITURI and NORTH KIVU working under the legal personality N° F. 92/37.654. The head office is located in KAVUMU in South Kivu.

FUPRODI was created in Goma on 5 July 2010. Its original field of activity was the former KIVU but over time it has expanded its field of intervention to ITURI where it has field offices.

FUPRODI's VISION: a world in which local and national governments, donors and communities recognise the values of women and girls and become actors in peace building and socio-economic development in their communities. MISSION: To fight against the abuse of women, children and the elderly, and to protect and promote human rights for peaceful cohabitation throughout the DRC.

FUPRODI's main activities focus on the promotion of women's rights, peace building, women's empowerment and gender.

Lo último de Democratic Republic of the Congo

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