Gray Child Foundation (GCF)

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Gray Child Foundation works to improve communities and human capital development of people in Nigeria and Africa by championing positive peace initiatives.

Última actualización: Julio 2021

Gray Child Foundation (GCF) is a Pan-African non-partisan organization, working to improve communities and human capital development of people in Nigeria and Africa by championing Positive Peace initiatives and advocating for the re-enforcement of the eight Pillars of Positive Peace, so as to advance sustainable development.

We partner with governments, international organizations, civil societies and the private sector to bring about positive social change that would promote and support programmes that affect the rights, education and orientation of the African child. We encourage peace building in communities, and provide a forum for economic and community development in Nigeria and beyond. Gray Child Foundation acts as advocates for the provision of clean water and environment, and we liaise with government agencies and other NGO’s for the provision of medical aid, prevention and treatment of diseases etc.

Gray Child Foundation in partnership with Rotary International and Rotary Associates drives positive peace building programmes across Nigeria using local Rotary structures, the same structures that successfully eradicated Polio from Nigeria. We have embarked on projects that would establish peace infrastructures in rural and urban communities, thereby re-enforcing the eight pillars of positive Peace across the 37 States of Nigeria. Our initiative is targeted at creating and implementing holistic programs that would institutionalize and strengthen peace infrastructures in the grassroots, rural communities, urban metropolis, public and private governance institutions. Our goal is to create a network of empowered community of positive peace builders across Nigeria, who would have the capacity to act as an early warning and early response mechanism that would address, contain, monitor and report brewing conflicts and uprising, to consequently curb direct violence, marginalization across gender, ethno-religious conflicts, and other critical historical, socio-political dimensions of violent conflicts.

The ACTIVATING POSITIVE IN NIGERIA initiative is anchored on the Institute for Economics and Peace ideology of positive peace; where Nigeria masses would be reached, sensitized, empowered and peace infrastructures put in place for peaceful coexistence. The success of this project requires the full participation of every section of the Nigerian state and active inclusiveness of the people.

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