INSAN Iraqi Society

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INSAN is dedicated to ensuring peaceful co-existence among communities living side by side in Iraq, by enhancing the living conditions of communities, promoting good governance and building the capacity of the civil society in conflict resolution.
Última actualización: Noviembre 2017

INSAN Iraqi Society was established in 2004 by the local staff of a Spanish organisation which was forced to evacuate Iraq as security conditions worsened in the country. INSAN is an organisation dedicated to ensuring peaceful co-existence among communities living side by side in Iraq, by enhancing the living conditions of communities, promoting good governance and building the capacity of civil society in conflict resolution.

INSAN is concerned by the growing tensions in the city of Kirkuk, and is looking at determining the status of the oil-rich city. For this reason, they work to reduce cleavages that have formed due to painful recent and historic events between  Kurdish, Arab, Turkmen, Assyrian and other communities.

INSAN has developed a particular approach based on community participation in which the mixed communities populating a neighbourhood or village are requested to work closely together to enhance living conditions. Community cohesion is created through participatory assessments, skill-building trainings, and advocacy directed at local authorities. Economic development through vocational training and income generation is a major focus.

INSAN is also looking at enhancing the participation of Iraqi civil society in building peace through capacity training for civil society organisations and media groups. It coordinates a network of peacebuilding organisations.

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