Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies

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IPDS aims to strengthen Pakistan’s role in global diplomacy through innovative and cutting-edge research, effective advocacy, dialogues, education, and consultancy services.

Última actualización: Julio 2021

Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS) established in June 2014, is Pakistan-based independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit Research, Advocacy, and Public Diplomacy Think and #DoTank. Father of Peace Studies Prof. Johan Galtung signed the foundation stone.

IPDS aims to provide strength to Pakistan’s effective role in global diplomacy through innovative and cutting-edge research, effective advocacy, dialogues series, education modules, consultancy services, well-built & knitted public diplomacy initiatives, and engagements in the thematic areas of Leadership, Diplomacy, and Peace Studies and Actions.

IPDS aims at connecting diverse groups and disciplines including experts, researchers, academicians, non-government organizations from across the globe working with the sole purpose of creating sustainable peace in countries and communities facing traditional and nontraditional security threats. IPDS envisions itself to be a degree-awarding higher education institution.

For detailed insight about IPDS, see our live presentation here

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