Linda and Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

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The Farley Center is dedicated to socially and politically progressive change, community partnership and environmental sustainability. We believe that without justice there can be no peace, without peace there can be no sustainability, and without sustainability there is no future.
Última actualización: Noviembre 2019

The Linda and Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability is dedicated to socially progressive change, community partnership, sustainability and ecological justice.

Our mission is lived out by:

  • Promoting peace, justice and sustainability with education and activities for the community
  • Facilitating the work of peace, justice and environmental social action groups through community partnerships
  • Reaching beginning farmers with technical assistance and helping them build capacity through organic farm incubation, and education
  • Promoting organic gardening and farming through education and land use
  • Demonstrating ecologically sound environmental preservation through organic farming and education about natural burial practices
  • Protecting the land so that it can serve as a natural learning environment for all, including those in educational programs that can benefit from this resource
  • Nurturing community growth, connection and revitalization by hosting meetings,workshops, and small gatherings that focus on peace, justice and sustainability

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