Love Not Blood Campaign

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LNBC is a grassroots social justice organization that brings together families who have been impacted by police or communal violence.
Última actualización: Enero 2020

After the murder of my nephew Oscar Grant at the Fruitvale Bart Station in Oakland California in the early morning hours of January 1st, 2009, I founded the Oscar Grant Foundation. On July 12, 2014, I gifted the Oscar Grant Foundation to my nephew's mother, my sister, Wanda Johnson. On July 13th, I co-founded with my wife, the Love Not Blood Campaign.

The Love Not Blood Campaign (LNBC) is a grassroots social justice organization that brings together families who have been impacted by police or communal violence. The LNBC provides compassionate, holistic care by creating space where these families can experience healing and build a powerful political movement for police accountability and transparency. Through the Love Not Blood Campaign, we are building a political movement to eliminate police violence and structural racism from our society and to support and embrace families impacted by police violence.
We have found that healing and change come through hard work and tireless organizing.

Through LNBC, we offer a holistic health experience that invites family members to share in healing through resistance organizing and movement building. Families support each other in their individual work and commit to coming together to create a police accountability movement that will reshape the criminal justice system to reach its full potential for justice and accountability. We believe that healing through resistance can play a powerful role in changing hearts and minds, ultimately shaping policy and practice. We will achieve our goals of healing and movement building through workshops and presentations that center on empowering these families to see past their individual pain to the need to vanquish societal pain and heal our communities.

In 2019, September 26th-29th at the Doolittle Community Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, Love Not Blood Campaign sponsored its 4 annual Families United 4 Justice Conference. This year's conference brought 175 impacted families of police violence together to continue to build a powerful police transparency and accountability movement. In 2014, our 1st Families United 4 Justice Conference we had in attendance 15 impacted families of police violence. 2017 at Wayne State University, Detroit MI we had 52 impacted families of police violence at the conference and in 2018 at Merritt College Oakland Ca, we had 103 impacted families of police violence in attendance at the conference.

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