Mind Reformers Network

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Mind Reformers Network is a youth led organization in Nigeria aimed at getting thousands of young leaders interested in peacebuilding and raising generations of peace ambassadors.

Última actualización: Julio 2021

Mind Reformers Network is a youth led organization aimed at getting thousands of young leaders interested in peacebuilding and raising generations of peace ambassadors. With regards to the ever prevailing rate of social vices in the beautiful and once peaceful city of Calabar, the Mind Reformers Network was founded in 2016 to address this menace and get youths to become advocates of peace.

In the same year and year after, the organization organized youth summits in partnership with the Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassadors Network (CYPAN) and reached about 2000 students in over 8 schools and higher institutions with peace education and conflict resolution. The organization commemorates the World Peace Week and preaches the message of peace, hence have trained 200 youths in over 7 Nigerian States (including states in the Northeast and Northwest where terrorism peaks) on peacebuilding using the IREX peace resources.

In 2020, with support from the Peace First, Project Peace Lights, Peacebuddies and Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) we trained 100 youths on ethno-religious tolerance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In all, the organization is creating an environment suitable for human potentials to thrive.

Lo último de Nigeria

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