North and Development (NORDEV)

Aún no se ha verificado
NORDEV's mission is to contribute to the socio-economic development of Mali, particularly in the north, through development and conflict prevention activities.
Última actualización: Septiembre 2016

North and Development (NORDEV) aims to contribute to the socioeconomic development of Mali, and the regions of northern Mali in particular. NORDEV's areas of expertise include capacity building and training, conflict prevention and management, reintegration of displaced populations and education.

Major achievements

  • Community development programs, in partnership with African Development Foundation (ADF)
  • Support the Society for the Promotion of the Crafts of Timbuktu (ADF US funding)
  • Support for the production of rice in Dangha project (ADF US funding)
  • ECOTOURISM project of MORA (ADF US funding)
  • Production and commercialisation of rice and wheat, and support for income generating activities for women (ADF US funding)
  • Milala cooperative capacity building project (ADF US funding)
  • "Caravan to class" education support program. This was featured in an article on PR Web.

A profile of a NORDEV project in Timbutku was featured on MaliActu.

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