Grupo de trabajo transitorio de justicia en norte de Uganda (NUTJWG)

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The Northern Uganda Transitional Justice Working Group is a coalition working for peace, human rights, justice, reconciliation and development in Acholi, Lango, Teso and West Nile sub regions.
Última actualización: Agosto 2015

The Northern Uganda Transitional Justice Working Group is a loose coalition of civil society actors working for peace, human rights, justice, reconciliation and development in Acholi, Lango, Teso and West Nile sub-regions of Uganda.

NUTJWG works proactively and in partnership with other Transitional Justice actors including the Government of Uganda (GoU), the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS), traditional and religious institutions, and grassroots community initiatives, to seek the views and opinions of northern communities on their needs relating to sustainable peacebuilding, justice needs and reparation imperatives for war-affected communities. It engages in policy advocacy, and facilitates coordination and stakeholders’ dialogue.

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