ONG Aghirin’man (organisation pour la protection de l’environnement et le mieux-être)

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Aghirin'man is a non-governmental organization aiming to protect the environment and the well-being.
Última actualización: Mayo 2018

Aghirin'man is a non-governmental organization aiming to protect the environment and the well-being of people in Niger. "AGHIRIN'MAN" means in local language "Shield of the soul" and was created in January 2000 in Arlit, Niger.

Its founders want to fight the destruction and pollution of the environment, the non-protection of workers and the population against radioactivity, the lack of training, information and sensitization of the population on social and economic impacts. But also the environmental impact of uranium mining in Niger, the total disappearance of pastoral areas, the lack of a sustainable development policy to mitigate and compensate the negative effects of mining and the defense of human rights.

Lo último de Niger

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