Peace Actor Network

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Peace Actor Network (PAN) is a youth-led organization, founded in 2018 to address community issues and injustices that were potential causes of violent conflict in Nigeria

Última actualización: Julio 2021

Peace Actor Network (PAN) is a non governmental, youth-led, not-for-profit organization based founded in 2018 to address community issues and injustices that were potential causes of violent conflict. The goal of PAN is to build communities with a culture of peace. PAN envisions a strong network of peace actors working to innovate local strategies to building communities rooted in the culture of peace.

Peace Actor Network began as an initiative to respond to the increasing rate of school dropouts and a growing population of children perpetrating violent activities, heightening water-borne diseases, series of familial and inter-community crises and disagreements over health issues and inconsistencies in addressing gender-based violence issues.

PAN is working with a systems approach to identify root causes of problems and design strategic entry points to mitigating the imminent violent outputs of identified problems.

Main areas of work include peace education in schools and communities, facilitating intergenerational dialogues between youth and community leaders, community engagement, research and advocacy, WASH and other development programming aspects.

Lo último de Nigeria

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