Peace Education and Action Center of Eastern Iowa

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Peace Iowa is a grassroots organization supported by many individuals and local groups in easrern Iowa.
Última actualización: Enero 2018

Peace Iowa is a grassroots organization supported by many individuals and local groups in easrern Iowa.

Our visions are to:

  1. Connect eastern Iowans to people affected by violent conflicts around the world, in order to hear first-hand their experiences, perspectives, and needs.
  2. Make visible the way of peace. Increase awareness of the presence of peace-minded individuals and groups in eastern Iowa, and support their endeavors.
  3. Facilitate community, common purpose, and cooperative action among diverse peace-oriented groups. Draw from the peace traditions of many faiths and from secular movements promoting peace.
  4. Inspire and educate future generations of peacemakers.
  5. Foster communication between eastern Iowans and ordinary people in nations and groups labeled our "enemies."
  6. Serve as a resource for individuals who want to learn about historical peace traditions and movements.
  7. Educate ourselves and others about the links between war and political, social, and economic practices.
  8. Provide resources to help eastern Iowans make personal choices that decrease the likelihood of war and promote international peace.

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