Peace Flag Project

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We work with people to create Peace Flags that reflect positive wishes for the world.
Última actualización: Febrero 2018

The Peace Flag Project, a pro-peace 501(c)3, helps everyone to be a peacemaker. Einstein wrote “Imagination is a preview of life’s coming attractions.” What we can imagine, we can create. Our work is focused on imagining peace, understanding peace, creating peace and being peace.

We work with people to create Peace Flags that reflect positive wishes for the world. This is an enriching and enlightening experience for all ages. The flags are based on the Tibetan Prayer Flag tradition. For centuries, these flags have sent out prayers for peace, harmony and compassion.
Each September we celebrate a Month of Peace with events held throughout RI. These celebrations expand our original observation of the UN International Day of Peace on September 21 each year.
The highlight of our events is a Peace Walk, a walking meditation done slowly and in silence to join everyone in peace.

We help to create Peace Gardens, public spaces that inspire us, nurture us and provide a sense of well being. They connect us to nature and allow time for quiet reflection.

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