Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County

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The mission of the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County is to inform, support and energize the Sonoma County community to create peace and social justice through active nonviolence.

Última actualización: Noviembre 2021

The mission of the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County is to inform, support and energize the Sonoma County community to create peace and social justice through active nonviolence.

The Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County envisions a world of Peace & Justice, where differences are respected, conflicts are addressed nonviolently, oppressive structures are dismantled, and people live in harmony with the earth and one another.

The non-profit organization was founded in 1984.

The Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County is a community resource that provides networking opportunities, meeting space and media outreach for affiliate groups. The PJC is active in local and global issues; such as homelessness and immigrants rights.

Visit the Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County's website at

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