Peace Orientation and Youth Capacity Enhancement Foundation (POYCEF)

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POYCEF works with and supports people in vulnerable communities in Nigeria to enable personal and social change and transformation.

Última actualización: Julio 2021

Peace Orientation and Youth Capacity Enhancement Foundation (POYCEF) is a non-governmental, non-political and not-profit making organization, working and supporting people in vulnerable communities.

We work both at personal and social level of the community to promote and inject a systematic approach to personal and social change and transformation. We promote social change through value re-orientation, establishing grassroots and community platforms for engaging youth people as well as stakeholders to archive the sustainable development goals (SDGS).

We partner with like-minded organizations, (CSOS/NGOS,CBS,FBOs, religious groups, educational institutions etc) to engage vulnerable people in the grassroots.

The organization is registered with the federal government of Nigeria with the C.A.C registration number of CAC/IT/144368.

OUR CORE VALUES: Peace; Reconciliations; Capacity enhancement; Care for humanity; Respect

VISION: Orienting a global community of world change across a broad spectrum of the world population in respective of their race, tribe, religion, background through skill, acquisition and peace development. Sensitizing people from the grassroot of their rights.

MISSION: Peace orientation and youth capacity enhancement foundation POYCEF is contributing positively to mankind adding value to lives of individual and communities through skill acquisition, educational scholarship, peace orientation, right protection and capacity enhancement and help to reduce gender- based violence.

Lo último de Nigeria

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