The Plateforme de la Société civile pour la Paix et la démocratie en Côte d’Ivoire (PSDPD) is a non-governmental organization created on February 24, 2006 in Bouaké.
Mission of the PSCPD
- Strengthen the capacities of member organizations through the creation and animation of a platform of solidarity, consultation and exchange of experiences.
- Promote human rights and democracy through awareness raising, education of the people and advocacy with the authorities.
Purpose of the PSCPD
- Facilitate the establishment of a culture of Human Rights, peace and democracy, non-violence, justice, development actions and the fight against GBV;
- Strengthen the organizational capacity of the members of the PSCPD;
- Mobilize and coordinate funds for activities promoting Human Rights, building peace, consolidating democracy, and tackling GBV;
- Promote a culture of equality between women and men and the right of the child;
- Promote and strengthen women's leadership and child protection;
- Fight against poverty for sustainable development.
- Develop a sustainable program of national reconciliation by encouraging local populations to accept each other and relearning to live together;
- Conduct research on social, cultural and religious practices in conflict resolution, reconciliation and peacebuilding and make the results available to members of the PSCPD, policy makers, national and international partners;
- Conduct civic education campaigns, Human Rights, Democracy, Good Governance and Election Observation;
- Interact with local communities in resolving conflicts and transforming them through dialogue and other non-violent methods;
- Promote human rights and democracy through awareness raising, education of the people, advocacy and lobbying the political authorities.
As part of the VOICE UP! "Information and advocacy to promote human rights in Côte d'Ivoire" carried out by International NGO Internews, 10 CSOs from the interior of the country received training in communication capacity building on Media Relations and Social Networks.
In December 2017, the delegation of the Canadian Embassy in Côte d'Ivoire, went to the department of Bouaké to meet the PSCPD Platform.