Project YANO (Youth and Non-Military Opportunities)

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Project YANO is a community organization that provides young people in the USA with an alternative point of view about military enlistment

Última actualización: Noviembre 2021

Founded in 1984, Project YANO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organization that provides young people with an alternative point of view about military enlistment. Some of our members are armed forces veterans who believe that high school students are getting a distorted picture of the military and war from recruiting ads and marketing. In particular, we are concerned that many low-income students and students of color are being diverted away from higher education and into the military, where they are found in disproportionate numbers.

In it's home region of San Diego County, CA, Project YANO engages in direct outreach to young people through local high schools. It also gives conference workshops for students and parents. Additional outreach is done via booths at public events like the annual Chicano Park Commemoration and San Diego EarthFair. Project YANO also works in various coalitions on policy issues that can have an impact on career and educational options for young people.

Lo último de USA

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