Réseau Régional d’appui à la paix et à la stabilisation (RAPS)

Réseau Régional d’appui à la paix et à la stabilisation (RAPS) is a network of associations, NGOs and foundations created in January 2020, committed to conflict prevention, stabilisation and peacebuilding in fragile and conflict-affected states, particularly in the Great Lakes Region and across the DRC's borders.

Última actualización: Noviembre 2021

Réseau Régional d’appui à la paix et à la stabilisation (RAPS) is a network of associations, NGOs and foundations created in January 2020, committed to conflict prevention, stabilisation and peacebuilding in fragile and conflict-affected states, particularly in the Great Lakes Region and across the DRC's borders.

RAPS works to strengthen the capacity of local actors, civil society organisations engaged in peacebuilding and local governments to find their own solutions to their peace problems.

It is a transnational mechanism for coordination and collaboration between different state and non-state actors engaged in stabilisation within ICGLR and CEAC member countries.

Our projects support conflict prevention, dialogue, mediation, stabilisation, peacebuilding and post-conflict rehabilitation and support the actions of member states.

The network offers rapid and flexible micro-grants to its members to support peace initiatives, usually in the form of a contribution.

RAPS encourages the participation of women's organisations in peace processes as well as in the maintenance and promotion of peace and security and the promotion of their human rights in fragile and conflict-affected states. We are committed to providing essential and practical knowledge to military, police and civilian personnel working for peace in the Great Lakes sub-region and in the ICGLR member countries.

Lo último de Democratic Republic of the Congo

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