Réseau des Associations Congolaises des Jeunes (RACOJ)

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RACOJ is a platform which brings together associations, NGOs and other youth movements based in Democratic republic of Congo and created in 2005.
Última actualización: Junio 2018

The Réseau des Associations Congolaises des Jeunes (RACOJ) is a platform regrouping different youth associations. Created in 2005, RACOJ carries out activities surrounding six themes, including peace education and citizenship. 

Project and activities:

  • Strengthen youth capacity on the notion of peaceful resolution and the promotion of peace 
  • Sharing and exchanging experiences between young people on the culture of peace 
  • Identify potential conflict zones in their scope of action
  • Organisation of creative days, conferences, debates, public games and sporting events to promote peace 
  • Creation of ADODEV clubs in difficult neighbourhoods to promote a culture of peace 
  • Advocate with politico-administrative and religious authorities to obtain their involvement and support in carrying out their activities 

Impact of activities:

  • Peaceful cohabitation between young people from neighbourhoods in conflict
  • Reintegration of young rebels 
  • Growing youth membership in different youth structures working to promote a culture of peace 
  • Women's sports meetings promoting a peaceful resolution of conflicts 

Lo último de Democratic Republic of the Congo

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