Seattle Peace Chorus

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Seattle Peace Chorus builds bridges, celebrates community, and cultivates peace and justice through song.
Última actualización: Enero 2020
The chorus was founded in 1983 in response to the Cold War. The chorus continues to build bridges, celebrate community, and cultivate peace and justice through song.
The mission of the Seattle Peace Chorus is to:
  • Communicate through music the desire for a just and peaceful world.
  • Present this message through consistent choral excellence and nonviolent activism.  
  • Celebrate life in all its diversity.
  • Build and sustain harmonious relationships and cultural bridges locally and globally.
June 2019: The Seattle Peace Chorus performed Canto General composed by famed Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, setting the poetry of Nobel Prize laureate Pablo Neruda.
January-February 2019: concerts at Travis Park United Methodist Church, San Antonio, San Antonio Mennonite Church, Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, and Riverside Center for Spiritual Living, Riverside, to promote the compassionate and fair treatment of immigrants and refugees, raising money for RAICES, the Mennonite Hospitality House, church shelters in Tuscon housing asylum seekers, and Casa del Migrante immigrant and refugee shelter in Tijuana.
March 2019:  We sang for Hands Off Venezuela, Capital Hill, Seattle.
January 2019: We sang at the Martin Luther King Day March, Seattle.
2019 January 2019: We sang at the Seattle Womxn's March 3.0, Seattle.

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