Search For Common Ground - Pakistan

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SFCG is an international peacebuilding NGO which began working in Pakistan through its Urdu edition of the Common Grounds News Service in 2007.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2017

Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is an international conflict resolution NGO - currently with 17 different field programmes. SFCG works with local partners in each of their programmes to help resolve conflicts and bring groups together. Their slogan is "Understanding Differences. Acting on Commonalities". SFCG works with local partners to find culturally appropriate solutions to conflict resolution at the community levels. SFCG has two main offices in the US and Belgium.

SFCG began working in Pakistan through its Urdu edition of the Common Grounds News Service in 2007. The Urdu edition of the news service distributes five Urdu articles per week to newspapers and online news outlets in Pakistan. Also, the Pakistan programme of SFCG has brought together 20 journalists and civil society practitioners to develop techniques on covering Muslim-Western issues and topics relating to conflict resolution.

Through its office in Pakistan, SFCG has initiative a project called 'Radio for Peacebuilding (R4PB)'. Through R4PB, SFCG is helping to develop the skills of radio broadcasters from roughly 50 per cent of FM radio stations in Pakistan. The basic aim of the project is to provide training to radio producers and journalists on conflict resolution skills with the hope that these skills will be incorporated in future radio shows. R4PB was launched in Islamabad in June 2010, through a national level summit of radio stations.

In the near future, SFCG will produce cricket-based TV and radio soap opera series with positive messages telling stories of youth from different political, ethnic and religious backgrounds playing in the same cricket team.

Lo último de Pakistán

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