Sunray Meditation Society & Peace Village

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The Sunray Meditation Society is an international spiritual organization dedicated to planetary peace.
Última actualización: Febrero 2018

The Sunray Meditation Society is an international spiritual organization dedicated to planetary peace. Our mission is to preserve and share the teachings of the Peacemaker from the Tsalagi (Cherokee) spiritual traditions and the teachings of peacemaking from Tibetan Buddhism. The Sunray Peace Village is a sanctuary and place for ceremony and contemplation.

Accomplishing Our Mission

Sunray offers ongoing programs of education, service, and spiritual development, teaching practical means to realize compassion and right relationship with Earth and all relations. What is learned can be applied in personal and professional relationships. Participation is open to people from all around the world, from all walks of life.

For the Benefit of All

Sunray programs touch all levels of the family of life, individual, family, clan, community, nation, and planet. International activities include peace building and transformation of conflict in many regions around the world. Sunray is an NGO represented at the United Nations.

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