Syrian Relief Network

Aún no se ha verificado
The Syrian Relief Network is an umbrella of Syrian humanitarian NGOs.
Última actualización: Junio 2016

The Syrian Relief Network is an umbrella of Syrian humanitarian NGOs working inside Syria and neighbouring countries to provide relief to Syrians in desperate need of assistance. It is made up of 42 member organisations. The founders and the members of this network are non-governmental, nonpolitical, nonprofit organisations from all over the world, which in most areas where there are Syrian refugees.


Syrian Relief Network exists to serve and facilitate the work of Syrian NGOs in order to efficiently and effectively address the humanitarian needs of the Syrian people.

Description of activities

  • Area of specialisation: relief, health and education.
  • One of its main goals is to conduct training workshops and provide guidance to member organisations in order to build the capacity of these organisations.
  • It works on providing a multi sector needs assessment database and mapping humanitarian activities of their member organisations.
  • Writes reports about the humanitarian situation.

Member Organisations

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