UNDUGU Family Kibera (UFK)

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UFK works to enhance social cohesion in Nairobi’s biggest slum, Kibera.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2014

UNDUGU Family Kibera (UFK) is a movement that works towards an alternative culture of peace in Kenya. UFK wants to enhance social cohesion in Nairobi’s biggest slum Kibera. This culture of peace can be achieved through mediation of music, drama, dance, sports, games, incoming generating activities, festivals, seminars, awareness campaigns and civic education programs. They focus on encouraging neighbours to get involved in a dialogue by singing, dancing, playing and working. Though they are trying to solve their social and economic problems, their main concern is ethnic and religious harmony.

UFK runs a youth empowerment project. The objective is to afford a new generation of people who believe in non-violence and respect each other regardless of tribes, religions or anything else. Consequently UFK works intensely with young people and consider education as an important key for a peaceful society.

Other UFK projects include  they are encouraging widows to build small businesses, accompanying orphans and needy children, and cultural activities.

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