Ukrainian Institute of Strategies of Global Development and Adaptation

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The Ukrainian Institute of Strategies of Global Development and Adaptation (UISGDA) focuses on open discussions about the Ukrainian crisis.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2019

The Ukrainian Institute of Strategies of Global Development and Adaptation (UISGDA) is a non-profit and public organisation and believes that a rational and scientific approach promotes a resolution of the Ukrainian conflict. Instead of hosting large-scale conferences, the organisation initiates regular teleconferences and round tables. They held a number of events for example in Lviv, Kiev, Vinnytsa or Odessa and experts of the institute also participated in several international projects.

Their mission is to offer the international community and society a new format of open discussion about the principles to overcome the crisis and ways of further development of Ukraine. The organisation's research is aimed at stabilising the situation in Ukraine, Europe and the world as well as the prevention of new points of tension.



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