Wajenas Hope Foundation

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Wajenas Hope Foundation, founded in 2015, works with young people in Nigeria with a vision of "restoring hope for the hopeless in general not barred by segment or race."

Última actualización: Noviembre 2021

Wajenas Hope Foundation, founded in 2015, works with young people in Nigeria with a vision of "restoring hope for the hopeless in general not barred by segment or race."


Wajenas Hope Foundation (WHF) is a young organization comprising of youths, with its main focus on the citizens who have lost confidence and hope in themselves and their country. WHF work to raise young people and women who will stand firm in the midst of all the issues facing themselves and the country and make corrections, who will guarantee hope and development within the confines of the law and promote good governance.

WHF engages with women and youth, community leaders, communities in crisis, and other stakeholders on ways to raise hope, and build peace and understanding.


Through the organisation's peace education WHF aims to help people develop the positive attitudes, skills, and behaviours which are necessary to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. The peace education work is focused on five areas:

WHF are geared towards addressing the problems Nigeria faces, with a particular focus on farmer/herder conflicts.

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