Women and Youths for Justice and Peace Initiative (WAYJPI)

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WAYJPI promotes justice and peace for women and young people in Nigeria.
Última actualización: Octubre 2021

The Women and Youths for Justice and Peace Initiative (WAYJPI) promotes justice and peace for women and young people in Nigeria. WAYJPI encourages people to break barriers and build bridges through advocacy and collective action in order to enhance social development for all. 

The objectives of the organisation include:

  • Strengthening the capacity of women and young people in peacebuilding and development.
  • Building relationships for a strong and vibrant civil society that is capable of high quality interventions in the community.
  • Improving the economic empowerment of women and young people.
  • Promoting peaceful coexistence among citizens.
  • Promoting justice and equality among citizens.

WAYJPI has experience in media-based advocacy. For example, a radio phone-in programme on Education and Peacebuilding aired on Freedom Radio on September 22, 2013 to commemorate the UN International Day of Peace.

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