West Virginia Patriots for Peace

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WV Patriots for Peace is an organization dedicated to educating and empowering West Virginians to reclaim and defend American values of peace, justice, and democracy at home and abroad.
Última actualización: Febrero 2018

The West Virginia Patriots for Peace is a grass-roots organization formed in September 2002 with the drafting of a Declaration and Call To Action.

We include Democrats and Republicans and Independents; members of all aspects of the faith community; political activists, people of conscience and pacifists; veterans, housewives and students; union members, the unemployed and the retired. We are your neighbors and your fellow Americans.

WV Patriots for Peace is an organization dedicated to educating and empowering West Virginians to reclaim and defend American values of peace, justice, and democracy at home and abroad.

Our nation should invest in peace by strengthening civilian agencies working on peace and development issues
Reinvest in healthcare, education, green energy, and green jobs
Give diplomacy a chance
Be a part of global peacebuilding efforts
Create peace through good development and trade policies

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