Zaman Lafiya Initiative for Gender Transformation, Education and Community Development


Zaman Lafiya Initiative for Gender Transformation, Education and Community Development we work in creating opportunity for life and vocational skills among young ladies and boys in Yobe State, Nigeria

Última actualización: Enero 2022

Zaman Lafiya Initiative for Gender Transformation, Education and Community Development was officially registered on the 3rd of November, 2021. From 2017 when the work started informally, the effort was to raise funds from self, family and friends to support widows with children with food items, support orphans and Out of School Children to be enrolled and continue schooling.

We work in creating opportunity for life and vocational skills acquisition and start up to young ladies and boys. This has impacted their lives by keeping them away from idleness and subsequently, being involved in social vices and radicalisation.

We also mainstream disability by raising funds to support people living with disability with tricycles for ease of movement. We have been involved in training adolescents in Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDs prevention and control. We have also trained youths in Democratic Governance in the North East Nigeria.

The Organisation is affiliated to the Federation of International Gender and Human Rights. We partner with Yobe Peace and Community Development and Grassroots Researchers Association.

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