Research this month
Implementing UNSCR 2250: Youth and religious actors engaging for peace
Youth and religious leaders are still being excluded from peace and security initiatives as well as decision-making forums. When trying to include the other, both religious leaders and youth leaders should turn to allies within the other group, including young religious leaders.
UN Security Council Resolution 2250 urges member states to find ways to involve young people in decision making at all levels in institutions and mechanisms for the prevention and resolution of conflict. Implementing UNSCR 2250, from USIP, looks at how young people and religious leaders are working together to build peace, and opportunities for how they can work better together in the future. The report draws on examples from Uganda, Colombia and Nigeria to explore how such partnerships can support implementation of UNSCR 2250 on Youth, Peace, and Security.
Livelihoods, conflict and recovery
[T]he assumption in conflict-affected areas that conflict is the main driver of poor livelihood outcomes is not necessarily true, and neither is the assumption that livelihood recovery naturally follows the end of conflict
Livelihoods, conflict and recovery, from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, shares the findings of six years of qualitative and quantitative research into the impact of conflict on people's livelihoods in eight conflict areas. The study suggests the relationship is more complex than often is assumed.
More than the money: localisation in practice
Local organisations are growing in strength and impact, becoming more organized, informed, and engaged. Yet, the localisation debate remains essentially conceptual and the majority of discussions ... are taking place at the international level, with limited engagement from local actors.
More than the money, from Trócaire, explores the concept of "localisation" and what it means in practice. The past year has seen much attention given to the idea that local actors should play a more central role in humanitarian aid. This report looks at some of the issues that arise for both international and local actors.
Indigenous women and Colombia’s peace process
Indigenous peoples in Colombia want a state that values indigenous knowledge and includes indigenous women and men, not as beneficiaries but as decision makers. Colombians now have the chance to review the political settlement and form a multicultural state that includes all citizens.
Indigenous women and Colombia’s peace process, from Conciliation Resources, examines the participation of indigenous women in Colombia's peace process. Despite often facing exclusion, marginalisation, and discrimination the peace process presents opportunities for indigenous women to play a bigger role in the country's decision-making processes.
Breaking the cycle of violence: applying conflict sensitivity to transitional justice
Transitional justice processes, increasingly seen as contributing to peacebuilding, are inherently political. Support to such processes cannot be considered neutral, but should be acknowledged as having the potential to produce perverse effects.
Breaking the cycle of violence, from swisspeace, looks at how the tool of conflict sensitivity can be applied to transitional justice interventions. This report provides recommendations on how to approach transitional justice in a way that minimises the potential for exacerbating conflict between groups.
Local voices for peace in Zimbabwe
Local organisations are ensuring communities receive their fair share of food. They are running successful savings and loans schemes, and generating business growth despite a stagnant national economy. They are engaging at appropriate levels with community leaders, and building trust across political dividing lines.
Local voices for peace in Zimbabwe, from Peace Direct, presents the analysis and recommendations of Zimbabwean civil society activists that emerged from a practitioner workshop exploring prospects for peace ahead of upcoming elections.
Funding opportunities
United Nations Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative
The United Nations Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) is seeking applications for its Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative to support the empowerment of women, the advancement of gender equality, and to recognise the role of young people as central peace. Deadline: 07 July 2017 Find out more
Tinker Foundation
The Tinker Foundation is seeking proposals for it's Institutional Grants program. The program supports effective policy changes to improve the lives of Latin Americans. Priority areas of focus are: democratic governance; education; and sustainable resource management. Deadline: 15 September 2017 Find out more
IPRAF Peace Research Grant Program
The International Peace Research Association Foundation (IPRAF) is seeking applicants for its Peace Research Grants Program in order to enhance the processes of peace. Deadline: 31 August 2017 Find out more
Public Peace Prize
The Public Peace Prize is the only peace award for which the candidates are proposed, nominated and supported simply by citizens of the world. This mark of recognition allows everyone to offer their appreciation for initiatives and for people, known or unknown, who are working for reconciliation, non-violence and mutual aid. Deadline: 1 January 2018 Find out more
North-South Prize
The North-South Prize distinguishes each year two people, one from the north, the other from the south, who have excelled in their commitment to human rights, democracy and rule of law, contributing to the north-south dialogue and interdependence. Deadline: 15 September 2017 Find out more
From the blog
Mapping hope in the Israel-Palestine conflict

Peace and conflict report: June 2017
Armed peace in the Gambia: the role of ECOWAS