The Acceptance Project (TAP)

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TAP facilitates civil discourse in American high schools in order to create a new generation of empathetic leaders, active listeners, and critical thinkers.

Mis à jour récemment : novembre 2021

The Acceptance Project (TAP) was founded in 2017 as a club at Stroudsburg Junior High School located in Monroe County PA. The club gave high school students the time, environment, and opportunity to engage in civil discourse about the social and political issues facing our nation and communities. Since then TAP has grown to over 200 members, across 5 different schools, with 93 percent of students feeling that TAP helped broaden their view on controversial topics. TAP's mission statement is "facilitating civil discourse in American high school and creating a new generation of empathetic leaders, active listeners, and critical thinkers."

TAP has three programs:

  • TAP into Summer: Overnight, dialogue intensive, summer camp program designed to train and empower high school students to start and run TAP chapters within their own high schools.
  • TAP Chapters: High school clubs that host weekly discussions on various social/political topics
  • TAP Focus Groups: By partnering up with local universities' Dialogue Programs we have been able to recruit college graduate trained mediators to facilitate focus groups on high school campuses with TAP chapters.

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