Association Tunisie Patrimoine

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Association Tunisie Patrimoine was created in 2011 to promote long-term development in Tunisia's Kasserine region.
Mis à jour récemment : janvier 2016

AssociationTunisiePatrimoineThe Association Tunisie Patrimoine was created in 2011 promote long-term development in Tunisia's Kasserine region. It also works to introduce and help preserve the region's cultural and agricultural heritage.

The main objectives of the association include:

  • Overcoming the neglect and marginalisation of the region's archaeological sites.
  • Promoting cultural and environmental tourism.
  • Encouraging investment in the cultural sector.
  • Helping to establish a regional development observatory
One of the organisation's biggest projects is a regional magazine called La 24éme. Created in 2012, the print and online magainze was set up to inform people in Kasserine about thier cultural and social heritage, counter false information, and promote social and economic development.

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