Bienville House Center for Peace and Justice

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Bienville House Center for Peace and Justice is a non-profit group of people based, mostly in Baton Rouge, LA who work on peace and justice issues together.
Mis à jour récemment : janvier 2018

Bienville House Center for Peace and Justice brings people together who care about world peace and justice issues to learn more, educate others, organize, and mobilize to make a difference.

Bienville House Center for Peace and Justice traces its origin to the summer of 1978, when the Center for Disarmament Education was formed in Baton Rouge to foster peace and justice by supporting world nuclear disarmament. Two years later, because of its close ties with churches, CDE decided to affiliate with Clergy and Laity Concerned, a national network of local peace and justice groups. 

From those beginnings, Bienville House went on to work on many local and global peace and justice campaigns.

In the 1990s peace essay contests for high-school students were sponsored. Programs were held on a variety of peace and justice issues, including women’s and human rights, the homeless, the environment, peacemaking in families and communities, racism, Native Americans, Central America, Cuba, Russia, Japan, and Bosnia. Hiroshima/Nagasaki services, Alternative Gift Sales, and annual peacemaking awards were presented.

In the period 2001-2007 Bienville House held candlelight vigils for those killed in the Iraq War, hosted speakers, and met jointly with the Coalition Against War and Injustice. A cosponsored forum at LSU on the Iraq War was attended by more than 1,000 people.

Today, members of Bienville House follow world events and US involvement in them and work to promote peaceful solutions. Please join us.

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