Conscious Development & Empowerment Trust (CODET)

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CODET acts as a vocal advocate for emerging youth, women and children in Zimbabwe. It provides a platform where voices can be heard together and a way forward is mapped.
Mis à jour récemment : juillet 2018

Conscious Development and Empowerment Trust (CODET) is a youth-focused registered community organization, formed in 2013. The organization is a vocal advocate for emerging youth, women and children in Zimbabwe. It provides a platform where voices can be heard together and a way forward is mapped.

CODET is committed to filling the gap that exists in the Zimbabwean national development agenda by promoting rights awareness, social accountability and citizen participation in their governance, development projects, quality education, sustainable use of the environment and economic empowerment of vulnerable and marginalised sections of society, including people with disability. CODET is currently based in Mutare, but intends to establish offices in other parts of the country also.

CODET mission is to develop an active and self-conscious Zimbabwean youth who values responsible action for the transformation of society as a whole. CODET works with and through other likeminded organizations to achieve its goals. They envision youth who scrutinise, actively participate, consolidate and communicate their views to development, human rights and policy issues to relevant authorities. Among others, their aims are to present a platform for youth, women and children to consolidate and communicate their views and needs to relevant authorities; to integrate economic, social, cultural and environmental approaches to local developmental initiatives and public-private partnership in the community; to promote social accountability; to increase citizen participation in their own governance; and to promote constitution awareness and trainings.

Their thematic areas of intervention include democracy and good governance, lobby and advocacy, human rights and child rights, environment, peace building, and gender mainstreaming. Recognizing that the context of development in Africa has changed significantly over the last decade, CODET focuses its programmes to promote and support emerging youths to engage in development issues through volunteering and partnership.

It also seeks to contribute strategically to the development of government policies and experiential learning of best practices that encourage volunteering, corporate responsibility and international cooperation. In addition, CODET encourages a forum for exchanging innovative approaches, ideas and best practices from different organizations towards improving transparency, rights awareness, social accountability and citizen participation in governance. CODET engages in awareness campaigns and public engagement activities, organising community training workshops, research, pilot programs and networking with likeminded organizations. The organization believes that youth could be a driving force for development in Africa and that change happens because people make it happen. CODET works through volunteers drawn from different backgrounds and all walks of life; they give their time and their passion by sharing their skills and expertise with others, from local community groups to government ministries, volunteers help in development and providing a powerful, cost effective way to create lasting results. CODET fully acknowledges that basic human rights cannot be guaranteed in an atmosphere of violent and destructive conflicts, hence the organization builds the capacity of youths to acquire skills in Conflict Management and Peace Building. Currently, we are working around the Zimbabwe Constitution awareness training programmes on the Bill of rights, and promoting child rights, which we believe leads to promoting sustainable development in a peaceful environment. 

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