Fundación para el Desarrollo Etnoeducativo y Cultural del Pacífico (FUNDECPA)

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FUNDECPA focuses on human rights, reducing the level of violence in society, and providing free education to young people in Colombia's Pacific region.
Mis à jour récemment : décembre 2019

Fundación para el Desarrollo Etnoeducativo y Cultural del Pacífico (Foundation for the Ethno-educative and Cultural Development of the Pacific - FUNDECPA)  works for the betterment of the lives of highly vulnerable children in the Pacific region of Colombia. FUNDECPA is involved in local community life and focuses its work on human rights, reducing the level of violence in society, and providing free education to young people.

FUNDECPA works to promote justice, solidarity and the peaceful resolution of conflict as part of a vision to close the gap that exists between the few who have a lot and the many who live in situations of extreme poverty. By 2018 FUNDECPA aims to be recognised both nationally and internationally as an NGO that works with the most marginalised populations, offering them support in areas where it is most required.

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