The Griot of Hope, Nigeria (GHN)

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GHN is a youth-led organisation that works to build a generation of peacemaking mentors in Plateau state, Nigeria, and the world at large.

Mis à jour récemment : novembre 2021

The Griot of Hope, Nigeria (GHN) was founded and unveiled on the 16th December, 2018. To help mitigate the effect of youth restiveness, crises and political, ethno - religious violence on the teenagers and children within Plateau state, and Northern Nigeria, through the multi-sensory, entrepreneurship, talent and skill appreciation approach.

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This is a teenagers and children peace, cultural, indigenous inter- religious organisation that envision a generation of peace making mentors that are legacy makers within Plateau state, Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.

We have partner with centre for peace advancement in Nigeria (CEPAN) young men Christian association (YMCA) etc. in doing the following activities:

  1. TEENS ON STAGE (TOS): this is a teenager’s peace advocacy drama and cultural dance competition, for secondary school, community and orphanages, endorsed by the Plateau state ministry of Education and is in line with UNICEF guideline policy on physical education and practical school sport. On the 27th May, 2019 at Azi Nyako youth centre with 6 competing group with over 500 in attendance. 5th December, 2020 at national museum and monument jos with 5 participants and 150 in attendance (due to covid 19).
  2. FIT FOR PEACE (F4P): This is a youth/children voluntary uniform organization fitness competition and peace summit. On 21st September, 2019 at Azi Nyako youth centre Dadin kowa with 12 voluntary uniform and none uniform children mentoring organisation in attendance. On 21st September, 2020 at Azi Nyako youth centre Dadin kowa with 6 voluntary uniform and none uniform children mentoring organisation in attendance (due to covid 19).
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From 2019 to 2020, we had participants from Jos north, Jos south and Jos east of Plateau state and have so far raise 50 teenage peace ambassadors, and passionate talented community peace and cultural mentors from participant present who are mentoring other children among them is Japhath Solomon a 15years old who was a participant in the 2019 teens on stage now mentoring 25 children in Dadin kowa, we hope to do more and expand our scope if supported.

Le dernier de Nigeria

Plus de ressources sur Culture, média, plaidoyer

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