Mutasa Youth Forum

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Mutasa Youth Forum works in Zimbabwe to involve youths into the peacebuilding process.
Mis à jour récemment : décembre 2017

Mutasa Youth Forum is a youth networking and development agency promoting community peace, tolerance, social cohesion as well as gender equality in Zimbabwe. It was formed following the witness of human rights abuses perpetrated by youths during the 2008 election.

At the onset, the founders of the organisation designed projects to support the meaningful participation of youths in the peaceful development of their local communities. Traditional methods such as collective labour were used to bring people together. After these initial stages, various initiatives aimed at building the capacities of youths to respond to the developmental needs of their local communities were started. 

Today, the Mutasa Youth Forum is a hive of activity which provides a platform for youths to identify and utilise their potential for communal development. The organisation offers community-based human rights activities, gender justice, leadership, capacity building, environmental health awareness, sporting initiatives, psycho-social support, networking opportunities and entrepreneurship skills. 

The overall aim is now to equip the youths to become agents of moral, social, cultural, economic and political reconstruction. Mutasa Youth Forum remains the lead organisation in the empowerment of youths in communities for sustainable development in Mutasa area and Manicaland Province at large. 

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