Pan-Human Development Consult (Pan-HDC)


Pan-HDC, based in Jos, Nigeria, works to create a society grassroots people are able to discover and fully utilise their potential for the common good of all towards individual and social development.

Mis à jour récemment : janvier 2022

Pan-HDC is a community Based Consultancy Organisation, non-political, not profit-making organisation, working and supporting vulnerable people living in vulnerable communities. We also offer technical and professional services in building the capacity of Community Based Organisations (CBOs)/Civil Societies Organisations (CSOs) at the grassroots level for their effective project implementation. We create community-based platforms for vulnerable people to make their voices count in both individual and community development level.

The organisation is founded in 2014, we work at both personal and social level of the community, promoting and injecting a systematic approach to personal and social transformation. We work in North Central, Northeast and Northwest of Nigeria. In 7 years of existence, we have trained 200 volunteers across 8 states in Northeast, Northwest and Northcentral Nigeria. Over 3,000 beneficiaries in our sensitisation engagement across the 8 states.

Mission: To establish individual/social Transformation Platform (These platforms are form by trained volunteers) in vulnerable communities. We build the capacity of grassroots people who drives both individual and social transformation process. They initiate and promote individual and social attitudinal change through the values of Acceptance, Respect, Trust, Openness and Nonviolence.

Vision: We envision a benevolent society where grassroots people are able to discover and fully utilise their potentials for the common good of all towards individual and social development.

So far, we make impact in:

  • Youth Engagement: Increasing youth Participation in peacebuilding process in various grassroots communities influencing positive outcome of conflicting issues in their communities. Providing support to young people with problem of Drugs, substance abuse/anti-social behaviours.
  • Girl Child (Social Empowerment Programs): Improve girl child social condition/wellbeing in various communities in Northeast/Northwest Nigeria. Through various community-based sensitisation and Men’s Engagement Programs (MEP).
  • Women Engagement: Increase women participation in peace process and decision making in their communities. We have over 500 women actively participating in Farmers-Herders, conflict in Adamawa, Taraba, Plateau and Kaduna. We also have 200 women actively participating in Community based Early Warning system in their various communities across 8 Northern states in Nigeria.
  • Skills Acquisition and Sustainable Livelihood (Economic Empowerment programs): We have trained over 1000 women and 500 youth in Various Skills and trade across 8 State in Northern Nigeria.
  • Trauma Awareness and Psychosocial Support: We have conducted over 15 sensitisation training workshops in psych-education and providing psychosocial support to affected women in Northeast, Northwest and Northcentral Nigeria.

Our Activities:

  • Peacebuilding/inter faith activities: Promoting alternatives to violence
  • Prevention, community cohesion, conflict management/transformation: We train them to develop the skills, knowledge and attitude of trust and relationships building activities to promote cohesion and bridged the gap of polarisation.
  • Socio Economic/Sustainable Livelihood Empowerment Programs
  • Gender Awareness and Girl Child Development (Social Empowerment programs)
  • Organisational Development: We offer technical/professional support to grassroots organisations for capacity development, providing technical skills and capacity building trainings in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning, Project management, Proposal writing and resource mobilisation, Developing safeguarding and protection principles/policies.

OUR Approach:

  • Community/grassroots Based
  • Value Based
  • Inter religious –inter ethnic/culturally based (promoting accepting diversity)
  • Volunteer Based

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