Save The People in Need (SPN) has a mission to promote and protect victims of armed conflict and other crises in in DR Congo.
Save The People in Need (SPN) has a mission to promote and protect victims of armed conflict and other crises in in DR Congo.
The sectors we are working in are:
- Civilians protection including refugees and IDPS and others victims of violations like women, children
- Promotion of gender equality, non- discriminations, peace, the SGBV, security governance, restauration authorities of states, democracy and governance, social justice,
- Women empowerment and sex equality,- Peacebuilding and social cohesion ,
- Agricultural,- Food security;-Promoting and encourage the DDR- Promote civic education;
- Emergencies management ;
- Humanitarian assistance.
- Assessment and analysis needings;
- Doing the research based on the peace and security
- Inclusive and social education promoting.
- Environment protection;
- Community Resilience.
- Health and Community nutrition
Both of all this sectors we implicated the local authorities, security services, local government, civil society, some ministries.
Our beneficiaries are: Victims of deplacement (wars), refugees, populations all affected by armed conflict and crisis, the indigenious like pygmees , children orphans, children affected by wars , disabilities and so on.