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TASSAGHT promotes conflict prevention and management, and sustainable development in Mali.
Last updated: December 2019

TASSAGHT, which means "link" in the Tamasheq language, is a Malian peacebuilding organization founded in 1985. The first national organization based in Gao, its vision is that of a caring and responsible society based on the principles of freedom and justice. Apolitical and non-profit, TASSAGHT works from rural communities for sustainable development in Gao, Bourem and Ansongo.

Since 1985, TASSAGHT has cultivated transversal implementation of its projects and development programs, behavior and practices, especially in conflict management and prevention. The strategies developed for this purpose take into account the sensitivity of the conflict, emphasizing preventive measures and strengthening the gains of peace. TASSAGHT is one of the main organizations where civil dialogue can take place in the Gao region, working to build peaceful interaction between nomadic and sedentary communities and has achieved remarkable successes in this field.

Since May 2012 TASSAGHT has also invested in projects for victims of the community crisis in northern Mali, including internally displaced persons, refugees and returnees in the Gao region.

Major achievements

  • A five-year integrated food security programme in the five municipalities of Bourem, in partnership with Save the Children US, focusing on agriculture, health, nutrition, micro-finance, governance and local capacity building.
  • Shared project governance in the Gao region.
  • A food security project in Gao and Ansongo.
  • A livelihood security program in Gao.
  • A school canteen programme in the nomadic areas of northern Mali.
  • A support project for women's units processing animal by-products in the nomadic area of northern Mali.
  • An integrated water-health-education programme in the Bourem region of Gao.
  • An emergency programme for poor and very poor households affected by the 2010 crisis in Gao and Ansongo.
  • Mitigation of the effects of climate change in the rural commune of Intillit.
  • Free distribution and nutrition for women and children from poor families in Gao, affected by the war in northern Mali.
  • Improving food security in three municipalities in the region of Bourem and Gao.
  • Emergency actions for war and drought-affected populations in Gao, including domestic projects and working with refugees and displaced persons.
  • Project to set up a pastoral monitoring mechanism in Gao and Ansongo.
  • Strengthening the livelihoods of vulnerable households affected by the food crisis and pastoral 2010 in the Sahel region of Gao.
  • Pastoral Plan in the cercle of Gao and Ansongo.
  • Development and integration of agro-ecology to strengthen the organizational and technical capacities of women and youth associations.

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